
The Stevens China Program. Stevens Institute of Technology

Online learning has greatly progressed since 1992 when the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation began giving grants to institutions for online learning initiatives. “The field of online education continues to show vigor and strength. Every year we see advances in the important matters of quality, scale and breadth within this still fledgling community” says Frank Mayadas, President of Sloan-C. 'The individuals and institutions honored this year are recognized for showing exceptional leadership in advancing online education along these dimensions.'.

2007 Sloan-C Excellence in Online Teaching and Learning Award Winners

Excellence in Online Teaching

Michelle Pacansky-Brock, Sierra College

Most Outstanding Achievement in Online Learning by an Individual

Meg Benke, SUNY Empire State College

Excellence in Faculty Development for Online Teaching

The Quality Matters Program, Maryland Online

Excellence in Institution-Wide Online Teaching & Learning Programming

University of Illinois at Springfield

Most Outstanding Online Teaching & Learning Program

AS Veterinary Technology Distance Program, St. Petersburg College


The Stevens China Program. Stevens Institute of Technology

编辑: 孙颖